Nov 17, 2008

questions about campus life

This is probably going to be a two part post. This one asks a few questions and the next one is going to include my personal thoughts. but let's see what you think first!

By forming a strong campus community are we automatically putting less emphasis on the greater community around us?

Can we be friends with students at Kenyon College?

What would you change about MVNU to make it better for the greater good?


Anonymous said...

"can we be friends with students at kenyon college?"


Daniel Coutz said...

It would be nice if there were more oppurtunities to meet students from Kenyon College.

Anonymous said...

community is not exclusive. Build strong community, build wide community. It does begin at locality and common experience though.

The networks then become vast. Connecting people from farther away, or the places in town someone wouldn't normally go.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion if we had less on campus activities, people then might have the time to spend a friday night at Kenyon, or at one of their speakers.

If then made our campus activities open to, and welcoming to families, elderly, and Kenyon students, we might also be getting somewhere.