Feb 1, 2010

I'm not really trying to say anything.

I like coming home for break because when I have nothing to do, I start to think of all the things that I want to do. The list gets pretty long:
  1. write an FNL wrap... i mean rap.
  2. learn 'the gambler' by fun. on the piano.
  3. finish 'reaching out' by henri nouwen.
  4. order school books! (I've already ordered 7 "for fun" books (yeah gift cards)).
  5. send a letter or two.
  6. master the fugimoto approximation technique.
  7. keep reading for my independent study (that I finished) (it's pretty interesting).
  8. replace my recently fallen pair of jeans.
  9. purchase some new/used records.
  10. see some people!
  11. relearn some french.
  12. blogging rhythm?
I think I have ways to go to get into a rhythm, but I'm going to work on it, granted that the new semester does not kick my butt. express myself.


Anonymous said...

send me a letter!!! i love mail.
67 w main st
westerville oh

kelley said...

so i don't know how your banjo-playing is going, but i thought i'd send this your way: http://www.ohio.edu/performingarts/africaproject.cfm. hope things are swell!

Ryan said...

oh my goodness i've been thinking about the banjo so much. it's crazy. i've had dreams. and you should go to that. it would probably be amazing.