May 31, 2009

How To: Become an Individual

I have heard a lot of talk these days about individualism and "right for me" kind of talks and attitudes. This idea has flooded the nation, and the world for months and years now. The news media is quite uncertain about when it is going to end. Young people today consumed in style and hairs do's. I once saw a young lady, in her early twenties rip her shirt off because she saw another young lady with the same shirt on. Now, it seems kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but I heard that the young generation is trying to make their voices heard and they have to use any means necessary. I guess that is what needs to be done in a world like ours today. Nothing is unusual anymore, only normal... or maybe a little odd, but kind of dig it. Speaking of which, I recently talked to a distant friend who told me that he recently started drinking bat milk to help his hair growth (I've also heard that it stops cancer, but it hasn't been proven yet). But I guess hair growth has been a big problem in his family for years, so he's hoping he has finally put an end to it. I told him I tend not to have problems with my hair like he does, but he insisted that bat milk would give my hair a good glow, and it tastes pretty good once you get used to it. He also explained that bat milk is somewhat expensive because bats are small and bat milkers can only get so much out of each individual bat, but in the end, it is totally worth it. I later read in the newspaper that the price of bat milk has shot up tremendously because of the high demand; I guess it really does work. But as it turns out, it doesn't prevent cancer. Now, I keep seeing that the latest fashion trends have been getting more and more peculiar. Peacock feathers made into blouses, pants as shirts, shoes as gloves, I really don't understand it all. I don't know what they will come up with next. I'm not even sure who "they" really are, anyway. I thought they were very fancy designers, but now I have a funny feeling "they" might be thrift store consumers. The speed that these fashion statements appear is unbelievable. It seriously changes from one day to another. One day stripes the next dots and then solid colors. I imagine that these color changes will change even more rapidly, till all the clothes and colors go swirling into a giant fashion storm, a fashion war, until one day when everyone wakes up and they are all wearing white and everyone looks eerily similar. It is at that moment that everyone realizes they are the same and there is something good in knowing that. Peace and harmony are here, but we must never forget that the red paint bucket is always there, teetering over our heads.


Anonymous said...

bat milk and peacock feathers?! :) oh, toaster. individualism versus collectivism will always keep me wondering. we try so hard to be original and fit in at the same time. quite a paradox. great post. but bat milk?

audrye sessions is playing at the basement in july - made me think of our fun/manchester concert excursion. i can't listen to enough of the annuals right now.

how's summer? tell k i said "HI"

p.s. i love having no students in my room right now.

kelley said...

bat milk goes great with cereal

kelley said...

ryan this is such a good post