2009 Resolution: Don't Make Promises I Can't Keep
I was watching Wheel of Fortune tonight and at the end some words came up on the screen. I noticed that the show was copyrighted in 2009. It kind of caught me off guard because I'm not used to seeing that combination of numbers. And it made me think of all the excitement from a couple nights ago, when it seemed like every other facebook status was "looking forward to 2009" or "la'08ter ga'08or".
There seems to be all this hope/hype about the new year, but isn't it the same thing every year? We ponder turning our lives around for a few days, but then realize we're screwed and go back to the same old routines. Or are we trying to change for the better? What is your new years resolution?
Here's Mine:
Wake up at 7:30am everyday, read a chapter of the Bible and maybe pray a little, read a chapter out of leisure book, run 3 miles, eat a healthy breakfast, smile at everyone I see, give money to the needy, and maybe even give away something that I value, do homework 6 hours a day, only go on facebook for 30min a day, journal my thoughts daily, find a spouse, volunteer 10 hours a week, lift weights, become number one.
Sounds pretty good, but we only live one day at a time. Make the most of everyday? Yeah, try that. Don't worry about the whole year.
I definitely agree with u
I assume you will work our CD schedule into this?
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