Injustice- The abuse of power. Taking away God's goodness. Sin.
This was the definition as given by Gary Haugen of the International Justice Mission. I was looking forward to his talk about IJM and how it relates to leadership. It was refreshing to see what IJM does, but he really didn't say too much I did not have a grasp on. It was later realized that the whole summit seemed to be aimed at people in the 40-50's. Many people in this generation never dealt with social justice issues as part of the church, which is sad.
With that being said, Gary did a good job at leaning his talk toward the older crowd. I think he focused on the outcome of evildoer and the justice they received, rather than the justice of a trafficked girl or child soldier. This led me to wonder: Can an oppressor truly receive justice from a worldly power? Can the oppressed truly receive justice from a worldly power? Which is more just? What should be the focus, locking up the oppressor, or freeing the oppressed?
Hi, I really appreciate your thoughts because it makes me wonder too, maybe it is not up to us to judge and decide these bigger-than-life matters, but it is God who is the ultimate arbiter of moral values. IJM focuses on both the rescue of victims and the accountabiltiy of the perpetrator because they are equally important. You might be interested in checking out Gary's newest book Just Courage-www.justcourage.com and processing more of your thoughts through reading it. Also there is a mp3 file available soon where Gary shares why he wrote the book. Sincerely-Lyn from IJM HQ
It sounds like it would have been interesting summit. I think it is possible for an oppressor to receive justice from a worldly power (this is my opinion at this particular date anyway.), but not neccesarily the type of justice we as followers of Christ should be seeking to bring.
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