The longer I live on this earth, the more I hate the electric guitar. I feel like it has no substance or worth. Maybe that's why Jimi Hendrix and Nirvana trashed their instruments. They were no longer satisfied with a crisp overdriven sound, so they needed to show the power they held over their music. But for me, I think it is a return to the acoustic. Please take me to a coffee shop, so I can enjoy soothing sounds and a warm beverage1. Down with Rock n Roll.
i enjoyed reading this and agree.
thank you, anonymous. you're cool.
I suppose I agree to a point. I agree with the fact that electric guitars have been way overdone. However, I always get an incredible thrill when I watch one of the old classic rock guitarist pull off a sweet solo. The stuff you can't do with an acoustic. Sure, I love acoustic music. I often prefer it as you do. But I'm in love with the sweet tone of my Les Paul. It gives me chills.
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