Oct 29, 2007


I walked to Kenyon College today. I was with a group of people... but then I broke away. I just kept going and I couldn't (or didn't want to) stop. It was figured to be almost 5 miles by the time I made it up the hill. It was kind of a big deal. Once I was settled in at the Middle Ground cafe, I realized how much I didn't do. in Africa, it isn't uncommon for the woman of the household to walk ten miles just to get water for her family... each day! The worst part is that most of the time the water isn't even clean! As I sat there comfortably, sipping my milkshake, I couldn't help but think that I am sick to believe that I did something great or accomplished something by walking that distance. I didn't do squat. I did 1/4th of what an African wife/mother does every single day. I kind of make me sick sometimes, but at least it is better than being ignorant. But what is the good of knowing something without acting on it. I need to act. You need to act. Will I? Will you?


jen said...

i ate at the middle ground cafe once.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your an amazing person ryan, i havent really talked to you in a while...but i just wanted you to know that i've known you for as long as i have, and i've never met someone like you bro...you'll do great things man

-matt (Word)